There is a huge movement and industry around dressing up your chihuahua, Outfits have been designed for every occasion.
There has always been a need for functional clothes, to keep dogs safe, warm or waterproofed but in recent years the market for non-functional outfits is booming.
So, why do people love to dress up their chihuahuas, is it just harmless or is dressing up your chihuahua harmful.
Chihuahuas are small, and they can feel the cold, so there may be legitimate reason to have a couple of warm jumpers and a coat that keeps out the wind or rain. And there is no reason why these coats and jumpers shouldn’t have the awww factor. But dressing up chihuahuas has gone way beyond functional jumpers. Some dogs having extensive wardrobes of outfits worth hundreds of pounds.
But, problems start when the dog gets overheated or the clothing is rubbing. Your chihuahua can’t tell you he is too hot, or the coat is chaffing under his legs. Clothing can also cause skin allergies, red sore hot spots that can ultimately lead to bald spots.
Does dressing up your chihuahua scare them?
In an interview with the Mail Online the RSPCA advise against dressing up dogs suggesting that it scares them:
Dr Samantha Gaines, a pet behaviour and welfare specialist at the RSPCA, said fancy dress costumes or even the odd novelty item can leave animals feeling scared or confused, and stop them being able to express themselves. For some dogs being in a costume can be particularly scary, or worrying, especially if there are bits on the costume that the dog isn’t used to that are flapping around.’Dogs use signals to tell us what they’re feeling, they use their ears, their tails, body positions and their eyes.
Are you breaking the law!
In fact, under current animal welfare laws if your dog is considered unable to ‘express normal behaviour’ because clothing is restricting his natural movement you could find yourself being prosecuted by the RSPCA. Although I don’t know if that’s ever happened.
Psychology Today magazine suggests: that the majority of people dressing up dogs is young women who have delayed having children. That babying and dressing their dogs gives them the same sense of pleasure that caring for a child might.
This might be true, or it could just be the Instagram generation that people are immersed in. Spending money on outfits and showing them off on social media is an expression of how much their dog means to them. But it’s certainly true when it comes to training, owners will generally prioritise buying an outfit over paying for behaviour coaching or training for a sport.
Everyone has an opinion about dressing up dogs and it’s hard to walk a diplomatic path. But in general, dogs have fur that is designed to keep them warm. So, unless you live in a draughty castle, your chi is thin, old or fur-less, it is unlikely they need to wear clothing indoors.
Personally, I’m not a fan of dressing up chihuahuas and my dogs don’t wear clothes. I have, in the past, indulged in a Christmas Jumper. But the doggos don’t like it and don’t consent to it so it’s not something we do anymore. Minnie and the puppies (Prince and Macy) will occasionally wear a coat if it’s cold, but for Arlo it a straight NO!
But what I can’t get my head around is putting boots on a dog. Unless a dog is working in hazardous conditions like search & rescue, there is no need for boots. It messes with their gait, (the way they walk) and is likely to cause muscle strains. Dogs generally don’t like having their paws messed with and the process of putting boots on is unlikely to be something the dog consents to.
Similarly glasses on a dog. Fashion glasses are unlikely to offer any real UV protection but they do make the pupil open more so exposes the eyes to UV damage. Also the process of putting the glasses on and holding them in place is going to be difficult for a dog to comprehend.
Kill the messenger 🤣
People are going to be outraged at the suggestion their dog doesn’t like being dressed up. They will insist their dog loves it and asks to be dressed and I can’t comment without seeing their dog in action. But honestly I doubt their dog consents to it. It’s what the owner wants rather than the dog. It may be tolerating it because it has no choice, but left to it’s own devices I really don’t believe any dog would choose this.
There are so many chihuahuas in shelters because of behaviour issues and manhandling dogs into outfits, ignoring their efforts to communicate discomfort plays a big part of this.
As a trainer and behaviour coach I love to see a dog in action, doing what their designed to do. They are beautiful to watch when running and moving. A chihuahua that’s confident, well trained, able to take part in outdoor activities is a better testament to their owners dedication than spending money on outfits.

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Have had my chi for 10 years,only put a parka on her in the winter otherwise no dressing her up.