Blog Articles

Chihuahua training: are chihuahuas untrainable?

Someone once told me that chihuahuas are naturally aggressive and impossible to train. This perception isn’t unusual. Spend a little time on social media, and you’ll see memes, posts, and even entire groups reinforcing the idea. But is there any truth to it? The...

Should Strangers pet your chihuahua?

Have you ever had someone say, “Oh, all dogs love me!” as they move in to pet your chihuahua? These little dogs are undeniably cute, and they tend to attract a lot of attention. While the enthusiasm might be well-meaning, it’s important to remember that not all dogs...

The danger of chihuahua groups on social media

There is a plethora of huge chihuahua groups on social media. Some with vast numbers of members. The focus of these groups is to post photos and for the owner of the group to sell chihuahua merch and there’s nothing wrong with that. But when your chihuahua is barking...

How do I stop my chihuahua barking at noise

Is your chihuahua barking at noise outside the house? Exploding into barking reactivity when they hear a card door slam or people in the street? This kind of explosive barking can be annoying and difficult to manage. Why do they...