Behaviour Articles

Chihuahua excitement peeing 😩

If you're a Chihuahua owner, you may be all too familiar with chihuahua excitement peeing. Your pup gets excited when you walk in the door, and before you know it, there's a little puddle on the floor. Whether it's caused by excitement or stress, it’s a well-known...

Chihuahua socialisation. Don’t make these mistakes!

Chihuahua socialisation is one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on. Whenever your chihuahua has a meltdown and ends up spinning on the lead, barking at other dog’s, people shake their heads sagely and suggest the dog hasn’t been properly socialised. It’s...

Understand chihuahua reactivity

Understanding chihuahua reactivity is a big step in being able to work with them and help overcome it. What reactivity isn’t is your chihuahua trying to dominate all the other dogs they meet. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard people use the term ‘small dog...

Should your chihuahua sleep on the bed?

Where should your chihuahua sleep? Is it Ok for your chihuahua to sleep on the bed or in some case under the duvet with you? Where your chihuahua sleeps is a subject that causes much discussion and in some cases arguments between partners. According to the Sleep...