teeth Articles

Heart murmurs in chihuahuas

Recently, Mika, who is now 14, was diagnosed with a heart murmur. The vet picked it up during a routine exam; he showed no outward signs of anything being wrong, so I was shocked. A heart murmur is an abnormal sound heard during the heartbeat cycle. It's caused by...

How to Clean your chihuahua’s teeth without brushing

Chihuahuas are prone to tooth decay because they have small mouths and their teeth are very close together making them a food trap. Brushing your dog's teeth every day is the best way to keep your chihuahua's teeth clean but it's not always possible. Not cleaning your...

Apple cider vinegar for dogs. Is it really that good?

Apple Cider Vinegar for dogs Apple cider vinegar for dogs has become very trendy and it seems to be an all-round good guy with lots of health benefits for everyone, including our chihuahuas. I’ve had reason to investigate it a bit more because Minnie has started her...

Help! How can I tell if my dog is in pain?

How to tell your dog is in pain 7 signs your dog is in pain When it comes to showing pain, dogs can be quite stoic and will often try to hide or ignore the pain as much as possible. Dog behaviourists believe this is down to a survival instinct when showing pain would...

42 sparkly reasons to include seaweed in your chihuahua’s diet We have written about how hard it can be to keep your...

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