A lot of owners get frustrated by humping or mounting behaviour, it’s embarrassing when your dog starts to hump or...
Socialisation Articles
Should I let my chihuahua off-lead?
Deciding to let your chihuahua off-lead can seem daunting. What if he runs away? What if another dog attacks...
Help! My chihuahua puppy has become a teenager
Help my cute chihuahua puppy has become a chi-nager. Puppies age more in the first year in terms of human years, so by...
Chihuahua Training: Is Your Chihuahua A Good Citizen?
Is Your Chihuahua A Good Citizen? The Good Citizen Dog Scheme, can chihuahuas take part? There is sometimes a feeling...
What is your chihuahua’s tail saying?
What Is Your Chihuahua Telling You With Her Tail Wagging? Your chihuahua’s tail is a thing of beauty and tail wagging...
Could your chihuahua become a therapy dog?
Chihuahuas may not be the most obvious choice for a therapy dog. But a few years ago we met Georgie the chihuahua who...
Ten ways to make friends with the MIL’s chihuahua
Make friends with a reluctant chihuahua. So, you’re trying to make a good impression at the mother in-law’s, but it’s...
Can chihuahuas do dog agility?
Chihuahuas are little rockets, full of energy and are taking the dog agility world by storm Could you see your...