by Louise Kirby | Apr 29, 2019 | Behaviour, fear based aggression, possessive behaviour
When it seems your chihuahua hates your partner, it can cause a lot of tension and unhappiness in the household. But, don’t despair it’s more common than you think. ‘My chihuahua hates my partner and growls at him’ is one of the more common question...
by Louise Kirby | Mar 28, 2019 | First Aid, Safety
No one likes to think anything bad could happen to their chihuahua. But we are all sensible enough to know that disaster can happen in a heartbeat. Learning how to give CPR to your dog will give you confidence to deal with an emergency. CPR is also know as the...
by Louise Kirby | Mar 26, 2019 | Characteristics, Health, nose
Here are some amazing facts about your chihuahua’s nose. The area of a dog’s brain that processes smell is (relatively) forty times bigger than a human. It is estimated that your chihuahua’s sense of smell is a hundred thousand times better than...
by Louise Kirby | Mar 4, 2019 | Behaviour, chihuahua agression, General, Health, Training
Picking Up Your Chihuahua It’s easy to fall into the habit of picking up your chihuahua all the time. They’re small, after all, so it feels natural to scoop them up—whether it’s to pop them in the car, get them ready for a walk, stop them from pestering the delivery...
by Louise Kirby | Feb 20, 2019 | barking, Characteristics, Training
Much has been written about excessive chihuahua barking and we have had many discussions on our Facebook page (join here) about the problem. Anyone who owns or lives with a chi will testify that chihuahuas like a bark. They will bark out the window at passers-by, car...