Worms & Parasites Articles

My chihuahua has diarrhea, what to do next?

My chihuahua has diarrhea, what to do next? When your chihuahua has diarrhea it can be very distressing for everyone. Diarrhea can range from loose stools for a couple of days to full on explosions of watery faeces. It can be very worrying for you, the guardian, and...

Help my chihuahua has dry itchy skin!

My chihuahua has dry itchy skin, what's causing it? If your chihuahua has dry itchy skin, it's probably driving them crazy (and you). Making them scratch and nibble at different areas and rubbing themselves along the furniture to try and get some relief. (This can...

Canine Babesiosis is now infecting UK dogs

What is canine babesiosis? Canine Babesiosis is a tick born disease caused by the Babesia parasite. It is not a tick, but it uses ticks to find a host and transfer itself into the bloodstream. People can be infected as well as dogs. You can read more about ticks how...

Are spot on flea treatments bad for your chihuahua?

Dealing with fleas is an annoying problem, but are spot on flea treatments bad for your chihuahua? Monthly plans A lot of chihuahua parents believe they are doing the best for their chihuahua by using monthly ‘spot on flea treatments'. By spot on flea treatments I...