Health Articles

Does it matter if my dog eats cat food?

Does it matter if my dog eats cat food? If your chihuahua is anything like Minnie, then they might well like to tuck into a bowl of cat food. Similarly, if you leave kibble down for your dog during the day, you might find that your cat likes to help themselves too!...

Why you must stop feeding grain & carbohydrate to your chihuahua!

Grain & carbohydrate is making your chihuahua fat! One of the main culprits for causing your chihuahua to get fat is grain & carbohydrate in their diet. Both these ingredients are present in kibble (dry dog food). For years the pet food industry has been...

Canine Babesiosis is now infecting UK dogs

What is canine babesiosis? Canine Babesiosis is a tick born disease caused by the Babesia parasite. It is not a tick, but it uses ticks to find a host and transfer itself into the bloodstream. People can be infected as well as dogs. You can read more about ticks how...

Are spot on flea treatments bad for your chihuahua?

Dealing with fleas is an annoying problem, but are spot on flea treatments bad for your chihuahua? Monthly plans A lot of chihuahua parents believe they are doing the best for their chihuahua by using monthly ‘spot on flea treatments'. By spot on flea treatments I...