Feeding Articles

The benefits of fish oil for senior chihuahuas.

Protect your senior chihuahua! As our chihuahuas grow older, it's only natural to want to provide them with the best possible care to ensure they enjoy their golden years to the fullest. One invaluable tool in the arsenal of senior chihuahua care is fish oil, a rich...

Is insect-based dog food a good idea?

Should we feed our dogs insect-based dog food? It’s very popular to feed a dog insect-based dog food. It feels like a good way of feeding a dog the protein it needs and reducing the environmental impact of producing meat. Most people now understand that dogs need...

Is it OK to feed rice to dogs?

It is very common to be advised to feed rice to dogs when they are not well, and it’s often seen as an ingredient in commercial dog foods. Dogs will happily chow down on a bowl of rice if it’s put in front of them. But is rice a good food source for our dogs? While...

My chihuahua won’t eat. Case study

A question came in about a chihuahua who didn't appear to be eating. As this is a common worry I have posted it as a case history. This was the query from a reader. He's 9 months old, weighs 4lb, 9 oz. I just had him to the vet. He's healthy but just doesn't seem to...

42 sparkly reasons to include seaweed in your chihuahua’s diet We have written about how hard it can be to keep your...

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