Blog Articles

Excessive chihuahua barking, what not to do

Much has been written about excessive chihuahua barking and we have had many discussions on our Facebook page (join here) about the problem. Anyone who owns or lives with a chi will testify that chihuahuas like a bark. They will bark out the window at passers-by, car...

What to do if my chihuahua has a seizure

A dog, just like humans can experience a seizure. Any dog can have a seizure anytime and understanding what is going on can be crucial.

How effective is CBD oil for dogs? Can I give to my chihuahua?

How effective is CBD oil for dogs? Cannabidiol or CBD oil for dogs is now getting very popular with dog owners. It has a huge range of therapeutic benefits and is considered effective and safe by many. CBD oil is widely available in the UK (and other countries) both...

Should I let my chihuahua off-lead?

  Deciding to let your chihuahua off-lead can seem daunting. What if he runs away? What if another dog attacks him or what if he attacks another dog or gets stolen? If you live in the United States you have other worries like coyotes, snakes and bears that might...