There is a huge movement and industry around dressing up your chihuahua, Outfits have been designed for every...

There is a huge movement and industry around dressing up your chihuahua, Outfits have been designed for every...
Get ready for winter! Get ready for the cold weather and have a winter ready chihuahua. Everything you need to keep...
Christmas food that's poisonous to dogs Both Christmas and Easter is a time for getting together and enjoying some...
What Human Medicine can I give my Dog? While we do all we can to protect our dogs from illness through a healthy...
How to rid your house of dog fleas Do chihuahuas get dog fleas, that can't be true! But we all know even the cutest...
Dealing with eye problems in chihuahuas Here we look at some of the most common eye problems in chihuahuas. Because...
Why do dogs eat grass? Is it a myth that they do this to be sick? Is there another underlying reason and should I be...
There is a movement away from using chemical flea control as people are concerned about the long-term effects of...
What are hay fever symptoms in dogs? In some ways, hayfever symptoms in dogs show in a similar way to humans with...
Lymes disease in dogs and people Lyme Disease in Dogs and people can be difficult to spot. But left untreated can lead...
Your tiny chihuahua: Health problems to watch out for. Generally, chihuahuas are fortunate as they have fewer genetic...
Common Ear Ailments In Chihuahuas Chihuahuas have the loveliest ears, soft and silky, perky and up-right. The fact...