What are canine nasal mites? Is your chihuahua constantly sneezing or reverse sneezing, shaking his head and appear to...

What are canine nasal mites? Is your chihuahua constantly sneezing or reverse sneezing, shaking his head and appear to...
Apple Cider Vinegar for dogs Apple cider vinegar for dogs has become very trendy and it seems to be an all-round good...
How effective is CBD oil for dogs? Cannabidiol or CBD oil for dogs is now getting very popular with dog owners. It has...
Flea allergy dermatitis Flea allergy dermatitis (also called prurtius) is one of the most common skin issues with...
My chihuahua has dry itchy skin, what's causing it? If your chihuahua has dry itchy skin, it's probably driving them...
Grain & carbohydrate is making your chihuahua fat! One of the main culprits for making your chihuahua fat is grain...
Tear stains in chihuahuas can be very upsetting to see . Especially if your chihuahua has light coloured fur. ...
How to avoid over vaccinating dogs? The development of vaccines has revolutionised the health of our dogs and our...
How to spot a yeast infection in your chihuahua. Is your dog itching and scratching or suffering with continual ear...
When you get a new dog, or take on a rescue, one of the biggest decisions, apart from his name, is what are you going...
Chicken soup or chicken bone broth has for generations been the panacea for all ills. A cure for belly ache and a...
When you have dogs, especially if you are a multi dog household it is easy to become worried that your house has a...